Making Psychic Predictions

Making Psychic Predictions
by Joe Nicols
When we do psychic readings, the package usually includes our descriptions of the past, present and future. When we are accurate in relating the past and present, which the client usually knows, it engenders the clients’ trust in our ability for that session. But, when we accurately predict future events, it seems to really get the client’s attention, and creates a long-term credibility, which brings them back to us. Very often, they return months or years later saying the reading was good, but they don’t exactly remember a lot of the details. But they do remember things that we told them such as, when or with whom they would be in love, when their house would finally sell, when they would get a new job, what new place they would travel to or move to, which person they could trust or should avoid, or if they or someone around them might have future health problems. If one or more of these types of predictions come true, it seems poignant especially if the client had a different expectation or had no awareness of the situation. In short, accurate future predictions make an impact and the client remembers them.
When it comes to foretelling the future, I make a personal distinction between “prediction” and “Prophecy.” To me, prediction with the small letter “p” relates to seeing the future for individual people and situations, and some global reflections, which most psychic practitioners can do. Prophecy, with a capital “P,” suggests predictions coming from elevated beings who can foresee events affecting the future of nations, or global situations over often greater periods of time. I associate prophecy with biblical or religious prophets, or powerful secular figures like Michel de Nostradamus (in the 1500’s), or the 3 Spanish children who received the Fatima prophecies (in the early 1900’s) or American “Sleeping Prophet” Edgar Cayce (in the first half of the 20th Century). My belief is that prophecy is coming from a greater view distilled from a multidimensional “Devine Order.” For example, Nostradamus’ somewhat vaguely worded quatrains in French seemed to describe Napoleon, Hitler and 9-11. Edgar Cayce, when asked in a reading in the 1940’s if America would maintain its preeminent position as a world power, channeled (paraphrasing) that if America could retain its spiritual (he said “Christian”) consciousness, then the answer was “yes.” If not, then it would be China.
Edgar Cayce also reportedly responded to a question about predestination by channeling, “only 20% is fixed and 80% is changeable.” If he is correct, I feel that true prophecy probably deals with the 20% that is fixed. Most psychics predict, and many have visions of the future. Visions can be profound but may not be considered prophecy. With the 80%, the more people or nations involved with a situation, the more people’s free-will choice impacts on the outcome, as the collective superconscious vote can change the expected results.
I have tried my hand at making world predictions over the years at annual Metaphysical Fair prediction nights, each January. For me, this is challenging and requires a total surrender to Spirit to be able to be as clear and accurate as possible. Many of you have also had dreams or visions that may have reflected the future. In my case, in the mid-1980’s, I had a color vision of what I was told was the 21st Century, in which I was seeing into the cockpit of a very high-altitude airplane. The pilot’s faces looked like they could have been North Korean or Chinese. They seemed to be flying over the mid-section of the U.S. As I watched, bombay-like doors opened up, and several silver canisters dropped out of the plane and popped open, but there seemed to be nothing inside. Later, on the ground level, fields of wheat began to shrivel and die, and following that, farmers in the fields keeled over and died. After the vision, I wondered if the canisters held microorganisms, like wheat “rust” or viruses. In another apparent vision, also in the 1980’s, in what I was told was the 22nd Century, an inland sea covered an area that is now the Mississippi Valley. I saw the inundation start with a huge earthquake and subsidence at the New Madrid Fault along the Mississippi. Were my visions 80%, 20%, or 0%? I don’t know. But I subsequently found an archived reading by Edgar Cayce where he trance-channeled that he would be reborn in the 2100’s in a seacoast town in Nebraska. I guess the future will reveal the truth.
When making predictions, I feel we should always be humble and not rigidly stick to or defend our predictions. We are all fallible and can have our blind spots or “swings and misses.” For example, in some of his readings, Edgar Cayce’s predictions were pretty amazing. I can remember one where he advised a couple that they would be very successful renting automobiles. They followed his guidance and started “Budget Rent-A-Car.” But Cayce channeled in one reading about himself that in a past-life he had been a river boat gambler and used his psychic ability to win at gaming. Looking at his life, he may have had some negative karma as it seemed that throughout his life he struggled for financial security. Maybe related to this, reportedly his buddies in Texas once retained him to help them find oil. He channeled extensive specific directions and locations for the resource, and the language in the readings sounded exactly like his other readings, but they never found oil. Decades later, others also tried to refigure the information and look again, but they still failed to find oil.
I think it gives us both an opportunity and a lesson when we make our best effort and some of our predictions seem to fall flat. Of course, it can be a character builder for our humility, but we must also remember that predictions are impacted by free-will choice (80%), and some predictions may still come true, but the client may not recognize it, and our interpretation of the details or timing may be off. I find that the time of future events can be one of the most difficult things to predict.
Techniques for Prediction:
For those of you who are practicing psychics, you already have systems with clairaudience, clairvoyance, empathy, or dreams which you use. Remember, always surround yourself with Light and:
- If you are learning, and are clairaudient, clear your mind, ask a predictive question and listen for an answer to come into your head.
- If you are clairvoyant, you can use a visual mantra like a cross, a sunburst, or a candle flame. Imagine the image shining brightly, ask a question, and see if the image brightens (yes), goes dark (no), or flickers or oscillates (maybe).
- If you are empathic, feel your body or your heart area, ask a question and see if it feels happy and expansive, oppressive or heavy, or you don’t feel much. You also can learn to use a pendulum more easily if you are empathic.
- If you dream, give yourself a pre-sleep suggestion by asking about a certain topic, and then “thank” the Guides for an answer to the question, for the ability to remember the answer, and for the wisdom to interpret it.
I think everyone reading this article can predict something. Even though we may not be “prophets,” we can use our abilities to receive predictions, visions or dreams which can help others. It just takes desire and intent, and not being afraid to practice and even “swing and miss.” I hope “my take” in this article has provided information and ideas to consider.
Stay healthy,
Joe Nicols