Mediumship – Connecting with Spirit

Rereleased article from October 29, 2020:


When most people talk about mediumship, I think they are referring to a process whereby someone who is living is able to communicate with people or animals that are deceased. Mediumship is also a category of channeling, which not only encompasses communicating with those who have passed on, but also connecting with spirit guides, Angels, spirit totems and unfortunately sometimes negative entities. Also, people can use tools to contact the deceased such as Ouija boards (which I don’t recommend), radionics instruments, pendulums, and EMF voice recorders or other ghost hunting equipment, but their use is not usually considered mediumship. These tools are not always controllable and can allow negative beings or entities to enter, not just the deceased.
For purposes of this article, I will focus on mediumship, using psychic ability in a protected way to communicate with deceased individuals, and will provide two techniques at the end of this article with which the reader can practice their own mediumship. I will also touch on how we can run into past or even future lives of deceased subjects. In preparation for the mediumship process, I always recommend that before we open ourselves up, we affirm and visualize protection and clarity from our Higher Powers and Angels. If we are concerned about attracting negative entities, we can speed their necessary departure by invoking protection from the Archangels, such as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael or others.
I have many friends and clients who are gifted mediums, and I feel every one of them has a slightly different style. Some are very clairaudient, hearing words, phrases, sentences, or running commentary. Some are empathic and can feel and interpret presences. Some are clairvoyant and see the subjects and observe them gesturing, motioning, holding up objects and pointing at images. And of course, many mediums do all of the above. Some mediums may get names, as John Edward does in gallery readings, saying “who is Ruth?”, or “Who knows Sam?”, or “Fred is here.”, and audience members respond. Many mediums see and hear a spirit person, recognize the person’s relationship to the client, and are able to relate what the person is saying to the client and feeling about them.
I personally use a “dial-up” method whereby when a client asks about someone on the other side, I ask their name or nickname and their approximate age at death. When I hear that information, I blank my mind and 95% of the time the person’s image pops into my mind. I then say hello and open to what the deceased person wants to show my client. I get word or phrase thoughts, but generally being more clairvoyant myself, I watch as a person shows me objects or movies from the past that hopefully makes sense to my client. Sometimes if the deceased subject passed at an advanced age, they show me life events, travel, train trips, etc., which occurred during my client’s early age, or before my client was born. I then have to request mentally that the subject gives me things my client will recognize, which they usually do.
When I first tune into the deceased subject, I seem to get a representation of their Earth personality, or at least in the period before they passed. Then as I keep looking, I experience the greater awareness that their higher-self returned them to after they “shuffled off the mortal coil,” and remembered who they really are and their spiritual connections, past lives and multidimensional relationships. In some cases when the person died very recently, or died quickly or violently, or if they were afraid of death or did not have a spiritual or religious belief in an afterlife, they appear to be temporarily stuck in a fog. It is almost like the hypnogogic state we experience when we first awake and are between wake and sleep. As I address a person in a fog, they usually seem happy that I can see and talk to them. If they still seem lost, I imagine saying to them, “Turn around toward the Light. Look at the Light Beings and Angels. There are your relatives reaching out to you. Reach out to them.” In the vast majority of fog cases, the spirit person approaches and is greeted by and embraced by their relatives and Light Beings, and is relieved and happy. The tension lessons and it becomes easier to receive from the subject and relay their information to my client.
My friends and clients know that I believe in reincarnation. When I am reviewing images or “movies” from the deceased’s life, I often see what appear to be past lives around them. Sometimes these may explain the origin of some of the deceased’s interests and affinities but often they also relate to a particular past life where the person and my client were together.
If we have had past lives, then it stands to reason that we may also be reborn in the future. As a simplistic example of how this applies to mediumship, imagine that your palm reflects your all-knowing and all-connected higher self. Also imagine each finger representing a life on the Earth, and the gaps between the fingers the times in-between lives. Now consider that your pinky and ring fingers represent two past lives. Then imagine that your middle finger represents the life you are currently in (no middle finger jokes, please). Your index (pointer) finger could represent a potential future life. All the lives (fingers) are part of you and connected to your higher self (palm). My clear impression is that even if we die and are for a time are on the other side, if a portion of us at some point then reincarnates, our relatives and friends from this life could still access us through a medium, and communicate with the “us” they knew and remember. In other words, they can still access the “middle finger” us through the palm (higher self), even if a part of us is already reincarnating in the “pointer finger” life. As a personal example, for many decades I have been shown that in my most recent past lifetime I was from Europe, and died during World War II. There have been many scientific case studies around the world where young children remember in detail being a named person who was from a nearby village and died before the child was born. The children then accurately gave names and events from their previous lives. With this research in mind, and since I was born in 1949, I thought if I could psychically discover my previous name, I might find living relatives in Europe who would remember me as I was in that life. I thought, “Wouldn’t that be cool?” However, my guides clearly said something to the effect of, “Bad idea! You ain’t even doing that!” So I dropped it. I guess not all past lives are good to reconnect with. But I think it could have been possible.
Where is this going next? The future. The following account comes from my connection with a client’s grandmother who had passed. It has been a few years so I hope if my client reads this my remembrances will be accurate or at least in the ballpark. The grandmother had been an enlightened, progressive “Grande Dame” in a small east Texas city. She was very involved in helping minorities in the community and a staunch advocate for a good education for all children. As I tuned in and began communicating with her she responded with information, but seemed distracted and kept looking over her shoulder. I felt she was not all there. I determined later that relative to compass direction from my office, she was looking southeast. As I attempted to continue connecting with her, I saw a clear image of a small black female baby being born in an African country. I either saw or heard the name “Soweto.” My guides confirm that even though I was still communicating with my client’s grandmother, a part of her (the “index finger”) was already being born in South Africa. I researched and found that Soweto was a pivotal community in ending apartheid, and since then has become one of the most educated townships in South Africa. I also got that the baby would grow up to be a great educator and inspiration to her township and her nation.
I think for most people who are open to the existence of an afterlife, a mediumship channeling to communicate with deceased loved ones can be very reassuring and comforting. I find that once the deceased are settled in on the other side, they experience unconditional love and forgiveness. There is “youthing” and renewed energy, no pain, no addictions, no anger, no fear, no judgments, no jealousy, no greed and no weight problems. But I am told that spiritual progress can seem slow relative to the growth opportunities of the Earth plane. When in mediumship, I sometimes see my clients’ deceased friends and relatives lined up shoulder to shoulder and looking through a window at us, almost like people lined up in front of the window of the hospital newborn nursery looking at the new babies. Something I found interesting, on one occasion for about five seconds, I found myself on the other side of the glass, standing behind the line of deceased relatives, looking at them as they looked at my client. The fascinating thing was that I felt every single one of them could not wait to get back to Earth. It seemed to them the Earth plane offered a great opportunity.
Many of you reading this article are already mediums, and you can do it professionally. Or you can see, feel, dream about or know when the deceased are around. It may not always be predictable but it happens. Or, you are interested in learning how to communicate with the deceased. As promised, if you are looking for mediumship practice, here are a couple of techniques to try:
1. In a quiet setting, hold an object, picture or writing related to the deceased in your hand. Affirm protection and clarity from your “Higher Power.” Close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax. Think of the person, maybe imagine the way their eyes used to look at you, and in your mind say, “Hi ____, are you here?” and be still. If you feel a touch, or tingling, or have goosebumps, sense a familiar smell or hear a spontaneous word or phrase in your mind, it is probably them.
2. Light a candle and put it in front of the bathroom mirror. Turn off all the lights in nearby rooms and in the bathroom. Affirm protection from your “Higher Power.” Stare at the flame reflecting in the bathroom mirror. Calmly say in your mind, “Hi___, are you here, thank you for coming.” As you stare at the flame’s reflection in the mirror, imagine that in your peripheral vision over your shoulder in the mirror, you can see the loved one’s eyes or features. Again, if you feel a touch or tingling or goosebumps, sense a familiar smell, or hear a soft response in your mind, it is probably them.
I hope this will be helpful. Be safe.
Joe Nicols

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