Never Too Much Encouragement

Never Too Much Encouragement

      In these times of tribulation, we can never give each other too much encouragement.  Presently for many of us, each new day seems to give us another opportunity for patience and perseverance.  Patience is a reflection of greater love, and perseverance reflects the manifestation of our will.  Success is only marginally related to our intelligence, talent, creativity or educational level.  Even when we combine these factors, perseverance toward a goal is the secret sauce that makes things happen and achieves success.  If we are not sure what our goals are, we then can kick in our patience in order to buy us some time until our goals become clearer.  Then we persevere.  

 Over the years, I have seen that whether we experience challenges in love, career, health, finances or family, or, we are driving for success with confidence, almost everyone feels that we really are not in control of our lives and we have self-doubts.  What helps me is that “psychically” I see in the chest of every person I have ever met a beautiful light I call “God’s Light in the heart.”  Every person’s Light has a slightly different color or color combination (like an aura), and is therefore unique to them.  I believe this Light is always there, and even if we have psychic clouds or tar balls on the outside, the inside is always perfect.  The Light is a reflection of both who we really are, and the God within us.  Masters have taught that this inner Light is guaranteed to manifest fully in this or a future life, or in another dimension.  It is just a matter of time as we are patient and persevere.  

 When people come to me who are struggling with various life challenges and express discouragement, I often describe their inner Light and remind them that even though their body, or their life may not appear to be perfect or even adequate, our internal God Light already is.  I then suggest to them that the Light reflects our essence which deserves to be loved, cherished and supported by others.  But, I find that before others can love and cherish us, or help bring us fulfilling success, we must first recognize, feel or see our own Light, in order for us to effectively draw in and then accept love or success from the outside.  Specifically related to love, when people love us, we may believe that they are attracted to our physicality, voice, eyes or laugh, but really, they are drawn to that inner Light.  

 After acknowledging and accepting the presence of our own Light, we can then facilitate the transaction by thanking the higher powers for their help.  As an example of an affirmation I have used, in your mind, surround yourself with God Light (i.e. inside and outside) and affirm, “Thank you God (or Creator/Light, etc.) for this fulfilling relationship (or career success/financial abundance/ abundance of health, etc.), for my highest good, without struggle, I deserve this fulfilling relationship (or career success/financial abundance/ abundance of health, etc.), and I am now receiving.” You then finish with, “and thank you God (or Creator/Light, etc.) for smoothing a path before me in this and in all other things.” Do the affirmation 1 to 3 times a day for 10 days in a row.  I have been doing these for over 35 years and they work for me.  Also as an aside, when we invoke the name of the higher power, no negativity can exist in that space, and our energy is lighter and we are less discouraged. 

 In review, by being patient and persevering, by acknowledging that the Light in our heart deserves to be loved, cherished and helpful, and by affirming help from the Higher Powers, we can effect positive change and improve our lives.  I hope these thoughts and techniques are beneficial and encouraging.  We can never have too much encouragement.  

Best wishes and hang in there.  

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